Keto Diet Tips

Turn your body fat into fuel while eating the food you love.

The aim of Ketogenic diets is to allow Ketosis to happen through the day.

Ketosis is the process of burning body fat for energy and for this to happen, insulin levels in the body should be low.

Here are few do’s and don’ts  you should follow while doing Keto diet—

  1. Carbs intake should be low. You should intake under 50gm/day to maintain Ketosis.


  1. Protein intake should be moderate for around 40-50 gm/day for women and 50-60gm/day for Men.


  1. Fat is generally free to have on a Ketogenic diet.


  1. Aim to eat vegetables and fibrous food.


  1. You should have a good amount of meat on a Ketogenic diet. Avoid spicy and fatty flesh.


  1. Enjoy eggs as a staple for most Ketogenic diet.


  1. Fish provides a good source of protein. But consume fish in a moderate level.


  1. Consume only Olive oil and Coconut oil and limit your consumptions of other packaged oils.


Shikha Aakash

Shikha is an decorated Software Engineer with 5+ years of experience in the tech industry. She is also a part-time IAS aspirant trying fighting to fulfill her dreams. Her preparation efforts make her a keen observer and a clear thinker. She uses her columns usually to express her opinions about her observations of the world and raises important questions.

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