Trip to Mysore

With its royal heritage, Mysore was one of the capital city of the emperors of 13th century.

The city is full of gorgeous palaces, engraved temples, and many more amazing places.

Just to give you a hint, the silk prepared in this city is one of the finest in the world.

And the sandalwood around the forest over here is being exported across the world since ages.

Here are few places you must visit if you are planning to see this city during vacation.

  1. Maharaja’s palace
  • also known as Amba Vilas
  • once home to Wodeyar maharajas, now glitters in glory with its English architecture.
  • dazzling array of stained glass windows, mosaic floors, carved wooden doors, lavish paintings will boast your trip
  1. Somnathpur Temple
  • engraved royal legacy
  • devoted to lord Keshava, an incarnation of Lord Krishna
  • one of the best preserved historic structures of Mysore.
  1. Avadhoota Datta Peetham
  • a spiritual ashram and religious institution founded by Sri Ganpathy Sachchidananda Swamiji
  • renowned across the world for its cultural and social welfare of mankind through yoga, meditations, communal prayers and many more.
  1. Namdroling Nyingmapa Monastery
  • located amongst Bylakuppe’s sandal groves
  • a Buddhist ashram and sanctuary
  • sanctified by Dalai Lama
  • home to 5000 monks and nuns
  • this monastery is a structural masterpiece of colorful artwork celebrating Buddha and its Tibetan heritage.
  1. Brindavan Garden
  • early morning, you can find the grounds mating with beautiful birds
  • afternoon, family-friendly picnic area with lots of noise and laughter
  • evening, lit up with lovely couples to spark their romance
  • late night, it will lit up with several colorful LED lights inside the fountains.

Shikha Aakash

Shikha is an decorated Software Engineer with 5+ years of experience in the tech industry. She is also a part-time IAS aspirant trying fighting to fulfill her dreams. Her preparation efforts make her a keen observer and a clear thinker. She uses her columns usually to express her opinions about her observations of the world and raises important questions.

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