Buddhist trails in Gaya

Bodh Gaya; situated in the state of Bihar is an ultimate destination for Buddhist followers and tourists.

This is a place where Gautam Buddha attained the supreme enlightenment. People from all walks of life visit the place and offer prayers to Lord Buddha.

The best time to visit this city is from October to March.

This city has many Buddhist monuments that reflects the historical and religious relevance of the Lord Buddha-

  1. Bodhi Tree

This papal tree is 2500 years old. It is said that Lord Buddha meditated under this tree and has attained the supreme enlightenment here only.

  1. Bodhi Sarovar

Lord Buddha took bath in this pond before he began his meditation.

  1. Mahabodhi Temple

170 feet tall and covering an area of 48 square feet, this is the temple of Lord Buddha.

  1. Durgeshwari Cave Temple

It is believed that Lord Buddha meditated in this cave  for long.

The moment you enter into the city, you will be engulfed into an unsaid quiet and peace from within. The architecture of this city will resemble you to the Buddhist monasteries of Bhutan, Japan, Thiland, Sri Lanka or China.

Lord Buddha is seated in a bhumisparsha mudra in the temple here in Bodh Gaya. Seven specific spots dot the temple complex. Lord Buddha had spent the succeeding 7 weeks meditation.

A visit to Bodh Gaya is a must for any Buddha follower just like muslims do for Mecca Madina. This city reflects true values of Indian civilization.

Shikha Aakash

Shikha is an decorated Software Engineer with 5+ years of experience in the tech industry. She is also a part-time IAS aspirant trying fighting to fulfill her dreams. Her preparation efforts make her a keen observer and a clear thinker. She uses her columns usually to express her opinions about her observations of the world and raises important questions.

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