Things to do in Chandigarh

Chandigarh, the capital of Punjab and Haryana is also a Union Territory in itself. It has been designed by the Swiss-French modernist architecture Le Corbusier.

One of the most well-planned and unparalleled architecture, Chandigarh is quite beautiful in itself.

Here are top things you can enjoy if you are Chandigarh

  1. Ride around Sukhna Lake
  • located on the foothills of Himalaya in the Shivalik ranges, this reservoir is one of the most visited tourist spot
  • recently the mini cruise ship has been started to take guests around the waters for the scenery.
  1. Visit to the Rock Garden of Chandigarh
  • also known as Nek Chand’s Rock Garden
  • a sculpture garden that was started as hobby by the government officials
  • now a wonderful city sight
  • has over 2000 sculptures created out of junks
  1. Elante Mall shopping
  • the second largest shopping mall in North India
  • represents modern day India with its industrial exterior and contemporary interior
  • covers over 20 acres in area and has four floors
  • has several brands to more bargain here
  1. Open Hand Monument
  • this quick drive spot has been a sign of commemorate peace and prosperity
  • symbol of saying “ the hand to give and the hand to take; peace and prosperity and the unity of mankind”
  1. Tower of Shadow
  • manipulates the rays of Sun and deals with light in fascinating ways

Shikha Aakash

Shikha is an decorated Software Engineer with 5+ years of experience in the tech industry. She is also a part-time IAS aspirant trying fighting to fulfill her dreams. Her preparation efforts make her a keen observer and a clear thinker. She uses her columns usually to express her opinions about her observations of the world and raises important questions.

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