Things you should know about South India!!

India itself  is truly a sub-continent in itself.  

It is the only country wherein you can take a train ride of 15-16hrs to reach from one place to another but the time zones will be same. It will definitely be easy if I will segregate the northern part from South. The southern India is a kingdom in itself.

Scorching from the high Ghats to the beaches of Indian Ocean, Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal; the entire south India will show you a typical vividness.

In case if you are planning for a trip to South India; here are few things you should know about:

  1. Culture and geographies will vary from one state to another. So if you are in Andhra and looking for Keralatic food, you are surely in a difficult situation.


  1. Each state has its own music and dance forms.



  1. Do not get surprised but English is more than enough to scale the place.


  1. The scorching heat of tropical region will shout at you from the beginning; “ Don’t bring white clothes”



  1. Learn to headshake properly if you are not fluent in English.


  1. Public transport is amazing!! Ahh yet chaotic.



  1. South India is known for its spices, tea and coffee and handlooms. So do not forget to get those.


  1. Beware when you ask for spicy food. The amount of spices being used there is another incident in it ‘s own.



  1. Trust me the food you get over there is truly amazing and health friendly. Do not get afraid of ordering food.


  1. Last but not the least; do google about the place you are visiting. You will find vast hotspot of Western Ghats to dry Vidharbh. J

Shikha Aakash

Shikha is an decorated Software Engineer with 5+ years of experience in the tech industry. She is also a part-time IAS aspirant trying fighting to fulfill her dreams. Her preparation efforts make her a keen observer and a clear thinker. She uses her columns usually to express her opinions about her observations of the world and raises important questions.

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