Brand Modi

Believe it or Not! The Indian Prime Minister Narender Modi has a different aura and his dressing sense has just rocked the world with a different image of India.


Even if you are not interested in politics; you could not take off your eyes in his signature half-sleeves linen kurta, churidaar and the Khadi overcoat.


His crisp formals and pop of colors reflects his can-do attitude and readiness to try out new things. The world is getting surprised to his looks and trust me no one has ever seen any Indian Prime Minister like him who flaunts his stylish Bvlagri spectacles frames, expensive Movado watch and swanky Mont Blanc pens collection.

Even the media in the west calls him as the new face of Indian fashion. The Wall Street journal wrote that “ Is Modi India’s Best dressed Prime Minister ever?”

His monochromatic brown suit at the Brics Summit has set him apart from the crowd among the leaders  over there. His half-sleeved white khadi kurta paired with saffron and green turban came in for all-round praise.

Modi has a stunning styling sense and has shown the world that with Great Powers do comes Great responsibilities, even with respect to style.

Modi has not only set Kurta and Khadi as his signature but has also promoted many doomed textile industries business. Also he has helped in enriching the Indian ethnic wear as well. The classic monogrammed suit which he wore when the then President  of  US  visited India was the major attraction. The dark suit with stripes wherein “ Narendra Damodardas Modi” imprinted on it was the true amalgamation of style and attitude. Modi stole entire Michelle’s fashion thunder with his simple elegant orange Pashmina Shawl during their visit to India.

He has shown the world with his style and attitude that India is not lagging behind in any classy sense.

Not only to the world, Modi has taught his own states with his style that attitude matters a lot. His first visit to J&K in Matka Suit was not just promotion but its ice-blue color reflects the nature of the state. On his surprise visit to Siachen; in grey jacket and dark shades; he merged himself  with the entire looks of our soldiers.

In order to show the world that India too has his iconic figure; the Prime Minister has maintained his stay perfectly.

Shikha Aakash

Shikha is an decorated Software Engineer with 5+ years of experience in the tech industry. She is also a part-time IAS aspirant trying fighting to fulfill her dreams. Her preparation efforts make her a keen observer and a clear thinker. She uses her columns usually to express her opinions about her observations of the world and raises important questions.

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